
Liquid chelate fertilizer FОRRIСЕ™

Effects of application: Increase the efficiency of photosynthesis, salinity tolerance, drought- and frost resistance, mechanical strength of the plants.

For all types of the plants (agricultural and ornamental)
For treating seeds prior to sowing and leaf feeding

The optimal balance between Silicon and Potassium gives the wide anti-stress activity, contributes to keep up the fluid balance, support tissue turgor, creates the physical -, chemical- and mechanical barriers to pathogenic bacteria’s and insects. The fertilizer contents the bioavailable form of Silicon and Potassium, as g/l

The FORRICE™ included 500 g/l of DIHYDROQUERCETIN (TAXIFOLIN)  – antioxidant, immunomodulator and intensity stimulator of the plant growth. The FORRICE has multifunctional biological effects and classified as the premium fertilizer:

stress resistance, regulation of the fluid balance, stimulation of growth, inducing immunity, fungicidal and insecticidal activity.

Liquid chelate fertilizer FORRICE™ with fungicidal activity, contents the immunity inductor and stimulator of growth. Positive effect of silicon fertilizer application was identified on the different grounds for the following scopes:

rise, sugar cane, barley, sorghum, maize, wheat, oat, rye, sunflower, bean, soya, clover, alfalfa, millet, tomato, cucumber, tobacco, sugar beet, lemon, tangerine, grape, apple, melon.

Scope Doses Norm of expenditure
Grain, Legumes, industrial and forage crops 0,5-1,0 l/t For treating seeds prior to sowing
Vegetables, Flowers and ornamental crops, Fruits and berries 50-100 ml/liter of water For treating seeds (planting material) prior to sowing
Grain, Legumes, industrial and forage crops, Melons, Vegetables, Flowers and ornamental crops 0,5-1,5 l/ha Leaf feeding during all vegetative period once or twice
Fruits and berries 0,5-4,0 l/ha Leaf feeding during all vegetative period once or three times

Notice: The numbers of leaf feeding, optimal terms of application, frequency and doses of applications have recommended correcting on a case-by-case basis, depending on the crop varieties, growth technology, planned harvest, analyses of the plants diagnostic and agrochemical ground tests.  Mixing FORRICE with the pesticides is allowed after testing for compatibility.

Liquid chelate fertilizer FORRICE™ with fungicidal activity, contents the immunity inductor and stimulator of growth. Manufacturer
14 Rabochaya st., Belgorod 308017, Russia
Tel/fax +7 (4722) 42-51-25; 42-51-23
Guaranteed shelf life 3 years
“FORRICE” brand – meet the requirements of TU 2189-001-54651030-2014: of GOST 51520-99
Official distributor and exporter
211 Office, 39A Michurin st., Belgorod, 308002, Russia
Tel/fax +7 (4722) 26-05-80, 26-24-31

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